assimp wpfexporter error
Hi guys,

i'm in a very big trouble.

I need to use x64 cpu's compilation in my project because I need to use mathlab libraries wich work only with x64 compilation.

I use assimp64.dll and i need to export meshes using assimpfpfexport

Since when I modyfy complilation mode (from x86 to x64) when i call assimpfpfexporter.export assimp sometimes the procedure crashes without errors and sometime gives me an error:
Attempt to read or write protected memory. Often this condition indicates that other parts of the memory are corrupted. 

Somebody had the same problem? Is there another method to export visual?

Messages In This Thread
assimp wpfexporter error - by kreativasas - 04-01-2022, 09:30 AM
RE: assimp wpfexporter error - by kreativasas - 04-04-2022, 11:01 AM
RE: assimp wpfexporter error - by abenedik - 04-05-2022, 10:38 AM

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