Anchor arrow as EndLineCap of an LineArcVisual3D doesn't work
I would not recommend rendering a lot of 3D lines without Ab3d.DXEngine because this can be very slow.

In Ab3d.PowerToys it is possible to increase the size of arrows on LineArcVisual3D by increasing the static LinesUpdater.Instance.MaxLineArrowLength (for example from 0.333 to 1) and LinesUpdater.Instance.LineArrowAngle (for example from 15 to 30). 

There the code that generates the line arc can check the length of a last few segments and considers this as the line length when deciding how big the line arrow is. The code is the following:

// Set maximum length of arrow
double shownAngle = Math.Abs(endAngle - startAngle);

if (shownAngle < 1)
    shownAngle = 1;

double oneSegmentAngle = shownAngle / (double)segments;

lineSegmentsCountForArrowLength = (int)(LinesUpdater.Instance.LineArrowAngle / oneSegmentAngle);

if (lineSegmentsCountForArrowLength > segments - 3)
    lineSegmentsCountForArrowLength = segments - 3;

if (lineSegmentsCountForArrowLength <= 0)
    lineSegmentsCountForArrowLength = 1;
Andrej Benedik

Messages In This Thread
RE: Anchor arrow as EndLineCap of an LineArcVisual3D doesn't work - by abenedik - 10-14-2024, 03:28 PM

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