I have problems getting shadows to work together with physically based rendering.
When a physically based material is set on an object in a scene that uses variance shadow rendering the whole object in rendered as if it were in shadow, even if it is not. See attached pictures which illustrates the problem.
The problem can be reproduced by setting a PBR material in method "CreateCustomScene()" in the file "ShadowRenderingSample.xaml.cs" that is part of the "Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.Samples" project:
Am I missing something here to get shadows and PBR materials to work together (they do work fine on their own), or is this a bug?
I also did a quick test with planar shadows, where I used a PBR material on the shadow plane, but I did not get that to work either. However, in that case the shadow plane seemed to not be rendered at all, instead of beeing rendered in complete shadow.
When a physically based material is set on an object in a scene that uses variance shadow rendering the whole object in rendered as if it were in shadow, even if it is not. See attached pictures which illustrates the problem.
The problem can be reproduced by setting a PBR material in method "CreateCustomScene()" in the file "ShadowRenderingSample.xaml.cs" that is part of the "Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.Samples" project:
var physicallyBasedMaterial = new PhysicallyBasedMaterial();
physicallyBasedMaterial.BaseColor = Color4.White;
physicallyBasedMaterial.Roughness = 0.0f;
physicallyBasedMaterial.Metalness = 0.0f;
var wpfMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.White);
var grayCylinder = new CylinderVisual3D();
grayCylinder.BottomCenterPosition = new Point3D(200, 0, 100);
grayCylinder.Radius = 20;
grayCylinder.Height = 100;
grayCylinder.Material = wpfMaterial;// new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.LightGray);
Am I missing something here to get shadows and PBR materials to work together (they do work fine on their own), or is this a bug?
I also did a quick test with planar shadows, where I used a PBR material on the shadow plane, but I did not get that to work either. However, in that case the shadow plane seemed to not be rendered at all, instead of beeing rendered in complete shadow.