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Joined: Sep 2021
We're using DXEventManager3DWrapper to perform hittesting, but we're seeing some performance issues in certain cases.
Specifically we're seeing issues when a key is pressed. Any other who has the same issues?
Andrej: I have emailed you regarding this issue, but haven't yet heard anything. Did you receive my e-mail?
Posts: 740
Threads: 8
Joined: Sep 2009
I have checked the emails and found your email in the spam folder. So it was good to notify me over the forum.
As I have written you in the answer email, I do not know why holding down Shift or Control would slow down the process. EventManager has no code that would work differently when holding down Shift or Control key. Those keys are used only in MouseCameraController, but I do not know what could take a very long time there (the only more time consuming part of the code there is a hit-testing code but that is executed only once when you press down the mouse to get the rotation position - in case RotateAroundMousePositionis true).
Anyway, it would be very interesting to know what part of the code is slow. Could you please start a Visual Studio profiler and check what is taking so much time and if it is in my code, please send me information about that (it would also help to describe how your 3D scene is defined: number of objects, etc).
Andrej Benedik