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Hit testing on LineNodes
Do you plan to include a similar mechanism to LineSelectorData for hit testing on lines in the SharpEngine at some point?
Line selection is an essential feature.
Therefore I have added it to the engine and just published a new version of Ab4d.SharpEngine v0.9.13-beta3 with that class.

The samples are also updated and include the same LineSelectionSample as it is in Ab3d.PowerToys samples project.
Andrej Benedik
I am very impressed with your fast responses - you must be putting in 24 hour days
Lines hit can also be done by using an ID bitmap. This is created by rendering the scene to a bitmap where each object (and line) has its color based on the ID of the object.

I have just added a new sample ( that shows how to render ID bitmap and use that select 3D lines.

This can be also easily extended to select a line when user is close to the line. This would be done by checking a few pixels away from the current mouse position and checking if any line is hit.
Andrej Benedik

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