GPU Instancing Support in Ab4d.SharpEngine or Ab3d.DXEngine
Hello AB4D Team,

I am interested in the capabilities of Ab4d.SharpEngine and Ab3d.DXEngine concerning GPU Instancing. Does either of these libraries currently support GPU Instancing, or is there a plan to support this feature in upcoming releases?

Thank you for your time.
Best regards.
Both Ab3d.DXEngine and Ab4d.SharpEngine support GPU instancing. 
You can check that in samples:
- Ab3d.DXEngine: in "Extreme performance" samples from "Instanced MeshGeometry3D" to "Instance World matrix samples"
- Ab4d.SharpEngine: "Advanced 3D models" / "Mesh instancing"

Ab3d.DXEngine has some additional features:
- support using texture for all instances,
- support screen-space scaled instances

Those features will be added to Ab4d.SharpEngine in one of the future versions.
Andrej Benedik
(10-06-2023, 02:18 PM)abenedik Wrote: Both Ab3d.DXEngine and Ab4d.SharpEngine support GPU instancing. 
You can check that in samples:
- Ab3d.DXEngine: in "Extreme performance" samples from "Instanced MeshGeometry3D" to "Instance World matrix samples"
- Ab4d.SharpEngine: "Advanced 3D models" / "Mesh instancing"

Ab3d.DXEngine has some additional features:
- support using texture for all instances,
- support screen-space scaled instances

Those features will be added to Ab4d.SharpEngine in one of the future versions.

I am aware that the current instances model supports World matrix and materials, but it seems to be limited to simple transformations like scaling, moving, and rotating. My primary concern is regarding the inclusion of advanced GPU instancing features like Skeleton and Mesh Skinning in future updates. Are there any plans to incorporate such advanced GPU instancing capabilities? 

Thank you for your time and feedback.
First, sorry for the late answer.

No, there are no plans to support skeleton animation and mesh skinning in instance shader or on the GPU. This can be done on the CPU by using code from Ab3d.PowerToys.Samples project from the Assimp folder that define animation classes that support skinning and skeleton animation.
Andrej Benedik

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