Create a HeightMapVisual3D map from a list of Point3D
I want to create a HeightMapVisual3D map from a list of Point3D. I have a bunch of 2000 point3D points and I want to create a heightMap from those points. How to do that?
HeightMapVisual3D requires a 2D array of height values.

There is currently no option to triangulate a list of points into triangles.
If your positions are evenly spaced in a grid, then you can try to get the height value from each of the positions and set that to the 2D array. For example, you can convert y coordinate into height and then get the two indexes in the 2D array from x and y coordinates.

If you just want to show 3D positions as point cloud, then can show that by using Ab3d.DXEngine's PixelsVisual3D.
Andrej Benedik
I understand. And if I have a HeightMapVisual3D formed, can I split that MAP, in many HeightMapVisual3D maps?
I need to split it into polygons using the Voronoi Diagram Algorithm. I will not have a HeightMap with Size {L, h, l}, but I need to have that map with bounds as a polygon.
If you will use Voronoi Diagram Algorithm to create the triangles (MeshGeometry3D), then it would best to show that without using HeightMapVisual3D. Instead show the mesh by using a GeometryModel3D and than add some axes or grid to show the range of data. See the samples in the "3D Graphs" section of the Ab3d.PowerToys samples to see how to easily show different axes.
Andrej Benedik

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