Reader3ds animation
Animation in reader3ds is based on vertices, indexes changing or its based on wpf core modification for hardware acceleration ? Because software vertex position changing is slow.
How the animations are handled depends on the UseModelTransforms property of Reader3ds class.

If this property is set to true (by default it is false) than the Reader3ds reads the objects and preserves all the transformations on the objects - TranslateTransform3D, RotateTransform3D, etc. are used just as in the 3D modeling application.

If the UseModelTransforms is false, than all the positions are already transformed and there are no transformations used in the models.

The UseModelTransforms is false is the default value because it brings better performance when the 3D objects are just shown and are not changed - for example if only camera is rotated around the object. I think this is the most common case.

But when the objects are manipulated it is usually better to set UseModelTransforms to true. This means that if you would need to change the rotation of object, you will only need to change the angle - this is much faster than changing the positions.

If the 3ds file contains animations and you would like to play than it is highly recommended that you set the UseModelTransforms to true before reading the 3ds file.

This is also explained in the Animator3ds sample that comes with Reader3ds(Window1.xaml.cs line 233).


(10-14-2009, 11:36 AM)craft2 Wrote: Animation in reader3ds is based on vertices, indexes changing or its based on wpf core modification for hardware acceleration ? Because software vertex position changing is slow.
This is good news :))
But in the future will be the way to push animation excactly to video accelerator? Like DirectX do, for mass animation playing.
:cool: hopefully

(10-16-2009, 01:16 PM)craft2 Wrote: This is good news :))
But in the future will be the way to push animation excactly to video accelerator? Like DirectX do, for mass animation playing.

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